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Weekly Newsletter

This page is where we post our weekly updates regarding what is going on in the store and around the community. Nature’s Cupboard is an active member in Chesterton, Michigan City and surrounding areas of the community.

We at Nature's Cupboard are deeply saddened and troubled by the recent deaths of George Floyd and other Black citizens of our country.


We at Nature's Cupboard are deeply saddened and troubled by the recent deaths of George Floyd and other Black citizens of our country.  Our mission as a company has always been about far more than the products we sell.  We've always felt the responsibility to socially empower the communities we source from and we are realizing that the communities in our own backyard need our voices to acknowledge this truth for them, too.

We are committed to being a part of a completely positive solution to the issues with which we are presented. We will ALWAYS stand in solidarity against any and all forms of racism, hate and intolerance. We are listening and learning and we are here to support change as best we can.     

This is the 40th year anniversary of Nature's Cupboard. We had many fun activities planned for the year and have been disappointed that our celebrations had to be postponed.  But we have found that knowing we can still be here for our community in the middle of not only a pandemic, but also a very strong social shift, is the best 40th year celebration we could have!

Sarah Highlen